Money Raised So Far... $65 YAY YIPEEEEEEEEE

Saturday 4 June 2011


Firstly a big congrats to Daz for becoming my very first follower - thanks dude! As someone who is completely new to this blogging thing having never followed anyone and certainly never written one it is all proving to be challenging and very exciting! So.... we are starting in Afghanistan, there is a random story behind this as I was talking with my roomy - Simmy about my idea of saving the world through my kitchen and she told me that I would be starting in Afghanistan, after a few googles I found that she was correct (didn't doubt you for a minute lovely) and a few more googles uncovered that Qaubili Pilau is apparently their National Dish. Safe in the knowledge that I had my idea and my first dish sorted I retired to my boudoir to read the amazing book I am half way through at the moment - Three Cups of Tea (highly recommended!).

I settled in to start reading and it spoke about Mr Gregs first attempt at making Afghan friends in an attempt to build a school and low and behold - he talks about being offered a feast of Qaubili Pilau...! That is when I knew that it was a sign and I definitely had to get started with this idea... the universe had given me a kick up the bum!

So I am making Qaubili Pilau this afternoon for Simmy, The Pepps and Donoghue and I have decided that their donation will go to the Central Asia Institute which is what the book is about and believes in empowering communities throughout Central Asia through literacy and education. You can check out the not for profit organisation at and read 'Three Cups of Tea' if you get a chance - what an inspirational man! My aim for this dinner is to raise $20 and that will be one student's school supplies for 1 year...

I shall tell you all about how I go tonight and fingers crossed I will be able to upload some photos of the meal... wish me luck :-)

1 comment:

  1. Simwise Gamjee, Donnaaawhoooooooo, and DJ pepdog are in for a feast
