Money Raised So Far... $65 YAY YIPEEEEEEEEE

Wednesday 8 June 2011

New Rule

I have given myself a new rule which is that I have to make everything from scratch... Eg. I was looking at Dolma (like Dolmades) which are Albanian and thought - I'll just get them fro m Woolies. NO NO NO...  I have to make everything from cheating!!! I'm starving...


  1. Hi there! Theresa Douple (who I met at school) gave me your food blog link, she thought I might be interested in it. I have a food blog myself. Let me know if you need any Filipino dishes! I only know a few myself - should have paid more attention to my mom and dad when they were cooking in the kitchen.

  2. Hey there 'thecookinglife'

    Cheers for the comments, I will be sure to follow your blog! So far so good - i have raised $50. Keep an eye out for my Albania update - it was delicious and I will definitely contact you when i get to my Filipino dish. A big 'hola' to Theresita :-)
